2011 Ohio Building Code Pdf

The Ohio Board of Building Standards is comprised of fifteen members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Board formulates and adopts rules governing the erection, construction, repair, and alteration of buildings known as the Ohio Building Code, Ohio Mechanical Code, Ohio Plumbing Code, and the Residential Code of Ohio. The Board certifies county, township and municipal building departments to enforce these codes.
Graphtec Robo Master Software. Ohio Department of Commerce Board of Building Standards. And alteration of buildings known as the Ohio Building Code. Code Effective November 1, 2011. Ohio Administrative Code; 4101:1 Board of Building Standards: Ohio Building Code Chapter 4101:1-1 Administration Chapter 4101:1-2 Definitions.
The Board is also responsible for the formulation of rules governing industrialized units, installation of equipment, installation and operation of boilers and unfired pressure vessels, and the construction of elevators. The Board employs professional and support staff to assist it in the fulfillment of these duties.
Additionally, the Board appoints an Executive Secretary to manage the day-to-day operations of the Board Office. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY REGINA HANSHAW Regina Hanshaw is the Executive Secretary for the Ohio Board of Building Standards. Prior to her appointment as Executive Secretary in 2009, Ms. Hanshaw acted as in house legal counsel for the Division of Industrial Compliance in the Department of Commerce where she provided assistance to the State’s building department, boiler and elevator sections, and the Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board. Hanshaw also previously served as Staff Attorney for the Summit County Council where she worked on county legislative and policy matters with a particular focus on land use.
She received her BA from Ohio University and JD from the University of Akron School of Law. Committees Certification Committee The certification committee provides general oversight to the Board’s personnel and building department certification program. The committee reviews personnel and building department certification applications and makes recommendations to the Board for action on the applications.
Education Committee The education committee provides general oversight to the board's continuing education program. Download Cs Cu Steam In El Gratis here. The committee reviews continuing education course applications and makes recommendations to the Board for action on the applications.
Codes The State of Ohio, through the Board of Building Standards, has adopted the 2011 Ohio Building Code (OBC) effective November 1, 2011. The 2011 OBC adopts the 2009 Edition of the International Building Code by reference. The links below referencing existing OBC codes may not yet be updated. To access the current version with the newest changes,. Please follow the links to reference. Adopted Building Codes Commercial & Residential 4 Family and Greater Buildings 2017 Ohio Building Code with latest amendments/updates as issued by the State of Ohio Board of Building Standards. Smart Card Reader Ecr 8 Software there.