Accpac Erp Incorrect Version Of Database Software

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Error: “Incorrect version of database software” message during login Issue Resolution: This applies to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 onwards with version Sage ERP Accpac 5.6 and above.

Sage ERP Accpac supports running using either Pervasive.SQL (), Microsoft SQL Server () or Oracle () Database Servers. This blog posting is going to talk a bit about how Accpac Accounting applications access the database, give some rationale for the way we do things and look at where we may go in the future. Accpac Plus, the original character based product for first CP/M () and then MS-DOS () used a proprietary built-in database. When this product was developed there weren’t standard off the shelf packages to use. This was a simple ISAM based package that was fast and easy to install and configure.

The limitations were that: • It didn’t support database transactions so if something failed the database was left corrupted. • It used record locking as its multi-user model, so once too many people were doing things, too many records would be locked and things would grind to a halt. • It didn’t have a server version, so relied on file system locks which were hard to support for all the different network operating system. • It didn’t support SQL and hence didn’t fully support ODBC or any other standard interface mechanism making it hard to use external tools like for reporting.

Erp Database Design

So when Accpac for Windows was developed, we made the decision to use standard off-the-shelf databases. We decided to base our new database support on transactions and to define a set of requirements that a database would need to support to work with Accpac. CA-Accpac/2000 originally shipped supporting Btrieve 6. Vmware Fusion 7 1 2 Keygen Idm. 15, and then with version 2.5A we added support for Microsoft SQL Server 6.

Later we added support for IBM DB2 and Oracle Databases. We can easily move Accpac data from one database to another via our Database Dump and Load utilities.

Along the way we’ve evolved our API and easily moved from database version to database version. Many third party tools integrate with Accpac through open database interfaces. We currently have a very robust and scalable solution. Accpac Database API Accpac is a three tier application with the business logic separated from the database. Our business logic objects (the real core of our Accounting Applications) communicate with the database via a common database API. Then we have database drivers that translate this API into calls to the database server currently being used. How the database driver accomplishes this is entirely up to the driver.