Dangerous Hunts 2 Pc

Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2 Full PC Game Overview Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2 Download Free Full Game is a hunting video game released in 2005 by Sand Grain Studios. It is a sequel to the 2003 game Cabela's Dangerous Hunts. This time the game is about survival rather than hunting. The player takes the role of a famous hunter traveling through many different types of terrain, trying to find out who or what killed his best friend. As with the first game, the hunter has a limited amount of energy and can be injured, which results in failure. There are many weapons, including handguns, rifles, shotguns, knives and machetes. The game also includes many different animals including a boss, the Yeti. Install Nvidia Driver For Kali Linux Default here.
Unlike the first game, this one has only the story mode and lets you shoot whatever you encounter. Plot The game begins in Alaska, where the hunter (the player) meets a man named Hugh Andrews. Hugh is a native with a glass eye and a wooden leg. He has important information about your old friend, 'Bullseye'.
Read reviews and ratings of Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2 from our experts, and see what our community says, too!

Wondershare Dvd Creator Crack Download. You practice and then hunt Whitetail deer, progressing to fight a cougar and a grizzly bear to complete the first level. The next level takes place elsewhere in Alaska, where the hunter fights his way through wolves and another mountain lion to rescue Hugh's niece and nephew. In the next, the hunter fights wolves, a grizzly bear and another mountain lion to reach a ridge and rescue Hugh Andrews, the hunter's guide, dodging bear traps to reach him.
At the beginning of the next level, the hunter fights his way back to the bear cave and then meets Hugh's niece and nephew. He must bait the grizzly with boar meat and kill it. Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2 Free Download.
The hunter then progresses to Africa seeking the legendary big game hunter 'Bullseye' Bill Lewis, where the hunter crash lands with your pilot, Abby Pendleton, in the bush and must find shelter fighting hyenas. The hunter and guide run into a leopard pair, kill them, and then head to a nearby shelter. Then you must hike to a radio tower to send an SOS fighting leopards, cobras and crocodiles and crossing quicksand. After the SOS has been sent, lions attack Abby. Torrent Nuovo Cinema Paradiso Scena. The hunter kills the alpha male and two more lions to complete the level.