Decompiler Installshield Tutorial

First post on this site, so I hope I'm in the right place. If not, sorry about that. We have an old Setup.exe that was created with IntallShield Express (from the VFP installation CD). We have created a new Setup.exe, but notice some differences in behavior, especially with regards to some OLE type stuff. Something is missing in the new one that existed in the old one. We do not have the ISE file for the old EXE.
Can we decompile and compare them using some utility? We would purchase a full version of whatever if it helps us through this issue. Belle Os For Nokia C7 Free Download.
Deploying Visual Foxpro Solutions atau bila butuh tutorial singkatnya bisa baca Langkah Package Aplikasi. Download Decompiler Installshield Express. Decompiler Installshield Tutorial NET that really helps developers understand the reasons why things are the way they are. This information will aid developers.