Download Wifi Hotspot For Blackberry Bold 9790

I downloaded and installed this last night. Haven't had a lot of time since to really test it out but it's running very well so far. The addition of the wifi hotspot and battery save mode are nice features. Wifi hotspot worked great when I connected my laptop to demo it.
You can use your BlackBerry Bold 9790 as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. This lets you share your phone's Internet connection with other devices via Wi-Fi. This is a HOT one! OS 7. 2 Breeding Downloads Fish Tycoon. 0.1.74 for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 has turned up and it looks like this version includes Wifi Hotspot! I'm downloading and getting ready to.
Software Download for Telenor Norway (will work on any 9790 regardless of carrier or country): BlackBerry Handheld Software v7.1.0.1133 (Multilanguage) Package Version: Consisting of: Applications: Software Platform: File name: 9790M_PBr7.1.0_rel1133_PL9.16.0.102_A7.1.0.336_Tel enor_Norway.exe File size: 219.32MB To install this OS update; download the appropriate software for your device from the link above and install it on your computer once it's finished downloading. When the install is finished make sure the DM is closed and go to. C: ->Program Files ->Common files ->Research in Motion ->App loader. Once in the app loader folder DELETE the vendor.xml file. Connect your blackberry and open the Loader program.
The rest pretty much explains itself.
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