Flash Mob Dance Videos Free Download

By 2010-06-20 14:58:07 UTC A flash mob is defined by Wikipedia as 'a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse.' Social media has greatly aided the organization of such events, and proof of their existence has been caught on camera only to go viral online via sites like. While there are a few groups who still carry on the practice, being the notable example, a high profile flash mob event is likely to have corporate backing, as companies jump on the bandwagon as part of viral marketing campaigns. We've rounded up the very best flash mob events from both big brands and ordinary bands of people. For your viewing pleasure, here are 15 fine examples of flash mobbery. 15 Fab Flash Mob Videos on YouTube •.
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For those looking to learn to swing dance in Denver, check out our upcoming classes and events: Holiday travelers at Denver International Airport (DIA) were surprised with an entertaining treat when a flash mob broke out in Jeppesen Terminal on November 22nd, 2011. Chandamama Oriya Pdf here. Approximately 100 dancers from Community-Minded Dance (cmDance) performed a Lindy Hop to a medley of Swing classics in the airport's Great Hall in Denver, Colorado. Video by Rich Clarkson & Assoc. Coordinated by cmDance Choreography by Lark Mervine, Ceth Stifel, Joseph DeMers, &Heather Ballew. Pokemon Platinum Enhanced Version Rom there.
CmDance creates world-class educational dance and music experiences. The non-profit organization's programs bring the music and dance of the Americas to Colorado schools and audiences, including Lindy Hop, Argentine Tango, Jazz, and other American Vintage and folkloric dances. For more information, visit www.cmdance.org Organized by DIA's Art and Culture Program Today's dance performance was presented by the airport's Art and Culture Program. DIA is home to a world-class collection of public art, funded by the City and County of Denver's 'one percent for art' requirement for public facilities. In addition to its renowned permanent art collection, DIA curates temporary exhibitions, collaborating with museums, cultural institutions and arts organizations to present the highest quality two- and three-dimensional work.
For more information on DIA's public art program and its temporary exhibitions, visit www.flydenver.com/art.