Gta Vice City Bar Brawl Save Game
Almost the same story as the previous mission: a bar refuses to pay protection money, and hired another company/gang to protect it. You have to kill their protection and know what other protection they hired, and then kill them. You'll get two sidekicks to do this mission. Get into a car where both sidekicks fit in. There's a sentinel waiting in front of the mansion, which will do.

For Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 31 save games. Bar Brawl is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City which the protagonist Tommy Vercetti does.
A better choice is the Sentinel XS, so if you encounter one on your way to the bar, steal it (be careful not to get cops attention). It's fairly easy yet. Be sure to approach the bar coming from the south, and drive slowly past it.
Now look to your left, and you will see two guards with pink arrows above their heads. Just do a drive-by shooting to kill them. After that run to the bar, and talk to the owner (don't worry about your one-star wanted level, it will very likely be gone after the cutscene). Just do an easy drive-by shooting The owner of the bar tells you the DBP Security arranged his protection.
Auto Blog Commenting Software Free. You have 5 minutes to pay the DBP security a visit before they leave. Drive to the location marked on your radar, but be careful: they will start shooting at you as soon as they spot you.
Before you get out of your car to kill them, park your car on the road not to close to the guards. Something will explode later on, so if you park your car on the sidewalk it will also explode. Also be sure your car is facing east. Now get out and kill all the guards who are waiting there, but be carefull: you will attract police attention.
An easier way to kill them is by using the drive-by method again. It works for most of them, but you will probably need to get out to kill the last one. As soon as they are all dead you will see a short cutscene with an explosion where two guards get away on PCJ motors. You will also receive a one or two-star wanted level (depending on the method you used to kill them; using the drive-by method will get you only one star, by getting out and killing them with your guns you'll get two stars). Get in your car and follow them. As soon as you reach the Ocean Drive you will see a blue police van driving towards you. Try not to hit it (duh.).
Now you can do two things: A. Destroy it and you will receive $1000 bonus.
To do this, go to somewhere where you are safe, where neither the police, nor the van can hit you. There are plenty of hotels and bars where you can hide just in front.
Don't worry about the timer (you should have plenty of time) or the motorguys (they will wait near the beach). Get out, walk up the steps and take cover (do not park your car in front of it though, the van will ram it and will destroy it when it explodes). The police van will now try to hit you. Just shoot at it with a Kruger, Colt, Shotgun or Rocketlauncher untill it explodes. If you're done, continue after B. Note: it can happen that the van crashes into a wall and won't come to you. If that happens you can shoot it with a Colt or Rocketlauncher, or just leave it alone and continue with the mission.
Avoid it and focus on the two motorguys. Get back to your car, and drive in the direction of the two guards. Be sure to drive on the grass to your left! If you have a two-star wanted level, two police cars will come from your right when you pass a sideway, and they will ram you if you just drive on the road. If you didn't destroy the police van you will probably catch up with the motordrivers. Now do not ram them off their bikes, but do a drive-by shooting again.
You should be able to kill them both, and the mission is complete. If you did destroy the van the guards will be waiting near the beach and lighthouse. First take the one that's the most to the south. He won't see you, and you can either get out to shoot him, as well as doing a drive-by shooting or run him over. Be careful not to drive into the water. The other one is close to the lighthouse. He probably sees you and shoots at you when you approach.
Just drive over him, and your mission will be complete.