Installing Fullsac Baffles

One thing I found out by experimenting with the different Dremel grinding wheels and rotary files: if used very carefully and lightly, the tiny cutoff abrasive wheels will do the trick in 5-10 minutes whilst using the edge of them like a grinder. I had to cut off the 'stingers' on the old stock baffles(can you say sawzall?) to get clearance at angles to allow the cutoff wheel to move around enough. Just be very careful not to undercut the muffler body, as these wheels cut very quickly. Another thing I did was to drill two holes in the top of my work bench that have the same spacing as the muffler mounts.
Re: Installing Fullsac Baffles on 09 CVO Road Glide « Reply #14 on: September 27, 2008, 09:22:02 PM » Then install the set screw with the nut and lock washer on the inside of the muffler. I finally got around to installing my Fullsac 3/4' baffles today. The first step is to remove the exhaust from the bike. First you loosen the main nut at the front of.
Then run bolts from underneath to hold the mufflers while I worked. (towel, pad, or rag under front of muffs to prevent scratches). Ami Rowe Mm5 Jukebox Manual Ami there. I suppose I could've built a jig like this to go in a vise, also. I found this very secure to prevent damage to the muff bodies and provide a stable working mount. Be sure and wear your safety glasses and remember you've got sparks and tender. Good luck.YMMV Hope this helps.
Adsl Wireless Modem An1020 25 Software Update. Great information here guys. I read through all 20 pages and took the plunge, used dremmel grinding wheels and only took about half an hour per side.
Now im deciding which size baffles to go with most likely go for quiet and medium as I am looking for a deep rumble and not too loud. So for those wondering I cranked it up and had a listen with and without the packing inside. With the packing it sonds nice and deep and loud, only problem is the packing started to fly out as no baffle to keep in in place. Without the packing it sounds a lot louder and has an echo to it, sound is ver similar to my springer with Rinehart crossbacks on it, set of car alarms in my car park. My opinion is a bit too loud.
So time to order the fullsac bafffles and try them out. I got my 2 inch baffles this week and at the same time the dealer rang and said he had my Hi outputs as well, First the V&H went on, nice deep rumble resonably loud and sets off car alarms in my car park. Second on was the fullsacs, BTW im also running the V&H power duals and the sound is great at idle and a nice mellow tone through the rev range.