Maxload Pro Crack
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Answers 1.How is stand-alone license different from the network license? We expect to have 3 users for MaxLoad, what type of license configuration should I get? A stand alone license can only be loaded onto 1 computer and can be used by only 1 user at a time. A network license is loaded onto a server, but can be loaded onto as many clients as you desire. The number of network seats purchased will dictate how many users can run MaxLoad at one time.

For example if you have installed the program on 5 client machines, but only have a 2 user network, only 2 users would be allowed to use MaxLoad concurrently. However, additional users can login to 'Viewer Mode' to open and view existing manifests but not making calculations. 2.Can I install MaxLoad on a Citrix server or use terminal server? What requirements are there and what steps should I take?
Yes, for a single Citrix (or any RDP software) you would install MaxLoad directly to the server, like a standalone, yet still get a network license that can be shared. Now just grant permissions to users and publish the application shortcut to your remote users.
If this is a server farm, you will need to have a single back end server, then make each front end RDP server a client just like you would in a LAN situation, and publish shortcuts from the front end servers to the remote clients. 3.Where are the MaxLoad data saved? Can I access them outside the application?
All MaxLoad data is stored in an Access database under the Max2Pro Data folder. You can open and view the data directly using Access. 4.What special steps should I take to move the MaxLoad Pro software to a different machine? You will need to use the CD to install to the new machine, then call TOPS to get a new e-license.
Once the new install is functional, we can copy and paste the old Data to the new computer. Ivy Queen The Original Rude Girl Rar. However, if it is an upgrade, you must export the old data and import into the new version. 5.I'm trying to remove all the MaxLoad Pro files after uninstalling. What do I need to delete?
Other than the files in the Max2Pro directory and its subdirectories, MaxLoad Pro makes the following adjustments to your system: 1. It creates a MAXLOAD2.INI file in the local Windows directory 2.
It creates the icons/shortcuts used to start the program 3. C: program files topsapps max2pro may need deleting as well 6.How do I tell what version of MaxLoad Pro I have and its serial number?
Login to MaxLoad Pro as any user and go to Help and About MaxLoad. At the top it should indicate your software version. The serial number information is also displayed here.
Click on the System Info button to view more details on your current system as well as default locations for the application and its data. 7.What formats are MaxLoad reports in? Can I create load reports in PDF format? MaxLoad reports are available as JPEG, BMP and PDF files. At the Print Preview screen, go to Export and then specify the format. When emailing reports from MaxLoad, each page will be saved as a JPEG file and attached to your email client. 8. Kay Jamison Una Mente Inquieta Pdf Viewer. Is it possible to display both English/Metric dimensions in the output?
Currently, you can use either English or Metric. To specify, use the drop down selection button on the Tool Bar. 9.How do I change the language I see in MaxLoad?
MaxLoad cargo planning software comes in several languages, including English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Thai and German. In addition, each language is fully configurable, so if you do not like the text that you see, you can change it by modifying the string file saved in MaxLoad's Language folder. 10.How do I login as Supervisor? In MaxLoad, the Supervisor has the rights to delete users, To login as a Supervisor, enter the default password of 'tops software' which is case insensitive. 11.How do I change the defaults in MaxLoad Pro?
Follow these instructions: 1. Right click over the text of the default you want to change. Click the Properties button at the pop-up menu. Click the Defaults tab and make the changes as desired. 12.How do I turn on user passwords?