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• • • • • • • • Website Members • Slim Jxmmi • Rae Sremmurd ( ) is an American duo originating from formed by two brothers, Slim Jxmmi and. In 2013, they signed a record deal with 's imprint. In January 2015, the duo released their debut album, which was certified by the (RIAA). In August 2016, the duo released their second album,. During that same year, the duo also created their own, called SremmLife Crew Records. The duo are best known for their single ' from.
The single 'Black Beatles' peaked at number one on the US, while also charting internationally in the top ten in many countries. The duo also released other platinum-certified singles such as ', ' and '. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Biography [ ] Early life [ ] Aaquil Iben Shamon Brown (also known as Slim Jxmmi) and his little brother Khalif Malik Ibn Shaman Brown (also known as ) were born in, on December 29 and June 7 respectively. They grew up with their mother, Bernadette Walker, and their brother, Michael, their father having abandoned his family a few years after the birth of his sons. Their mother worked for the and was regularly deployed in different states.
The family moved several times, leaving California for and and finally settling in the of in. The two brothers started practicing, dancing and writing music together at an early age.
In Texas, around his 10th birthday, Khalif learned to produce music using. While the two boys were in middle school, the family left Texas and moved back to Mississippi to join Bernadette's new companion, Floyd Sullivan, after she left the army. They settled in the city of, in the notorious Ida Street housing projects, where their stepfather lived. The young couple had a son named Floyd Jr. To support the family and to keep the boys in school, their stepfather sold drugs. 2009–12: Career beginnings and Dem Outta St8 Boyz [ ] The Brown brothers met Jemiah Middlebrooks in Tupelo while he was playing basketball at a local park.
They decided to found a called 'Dem Outta St8 Boyz' with him. Sample Flat Files With Data more. Aaquil took the stage name 'CaliBoy', Khalif chose 'Kid Krunk' and Jemiah took 'Lil Pantz'.
They used money from their to buy equipment and to produce music at home. The two brothers were composing their own beats and the trio were rapping on. Visibly inspired by, the boys released songs and dance videos on social networks of the time. It was at the same time that the group first met, and then later became friends with Jermarcus Jackson aka JJ (today known as Jay Sremm), a young, who was studying at with the two brothers.
He since became the DJ of the group. Shortly after, Bernadette Walker and her companion split up. Following the break-up, the two brothers started skipping school and working more seriously on music. They would return home at late hours, even when they had school the next morning. Their mother, fed up with their schedules, eventually kicked them out of her house, leaving them homeless. They began squatting in an abandoned house in the city with a friend of their stepdad’s.