Drop Patch L2 Interlude Client
And yet you have no ideea how to work in ai.obj ( you self admited this ) Good developer. What you work on server side? I need refresh your memorie. I said that is no app for change quest rates in ai. F Billing Revolution 2014 Keygen Download there. obj and i never made it in ai.obj. There is NO where that I said i don't know to work in ai.obj. But for your info(off topic): if you want to change qest rated, change the two push_const in the [rand] function up from [GiveItem1] function at the item you want. Example if is 1st push_const 50 and other push_const 2 is 2/50 drop rate = 4% with a simple math calucation (2*100/50)=4%.

Best Spotify Playlist 2016 And Torrent more. And for this is only a text editor needed. Is no problem if you don't know all, is kind of normal and is no shame,. If I don't know i ask but for sure if i asked some one and didn't knew i didn't started to flame as you do. Ofc no one can know all. Edited February 4, 2014 by xeL.
Feb 06, 2014., Can some one tell me please how to make a drop/spoil patch for interlude? Client Dev Help; Make Drop/spoil Patch Sign. Lineage II Client. Install Adobe Acrobat Plugins Lingoes Download. Lineage 2 Interlude Damage x5000 Private PVP Server. Interlude Client - Mirror 2 Damage 9000x Patch. *Submitted by Lineage 2 client call to.
Open the patch folder to boot the system, and the textures lineage2 directory. Go to the folder and run the Lineage2/system L2.Exe game and you will start automatically.
Interlude Client - Mirror 1 Interlude Client - Mirror 2 Damage 9000x Patch - Mirror 1 Damage 9000x Patch - Mirror 2 Attention! If you have connection problems. Be sure that you closed all open programs, turned off antivirus. Becouse we have much protections, for that you can get errors or disconnects.
DirectX *Submitted by Lineage 2 client call to update DirectX. If you have an antivirus and cant connect steps: Put L2 to trusted applications. Add system folder in the exceptions.
Disable or Remove current Antivirus. Disable firewall and reinstall lineageII Cant login? Try it again, and if again failed, contact us, we will definitely help you!