Husqvarna Serial Number Lookup

The format of Husqvarna model numbers can vary from just letters, just numbers, and differing combinations of the two. Lawn Tractors: look for the model number on a sticker under the seat. If you see digits such as CTH130 or GT180, you’ve found the right number. Walk-Behind Mowers: You can find the identification tag on the mower deck. Handheld Tools: First check the recoil assembly, then the fuel tank. Snowblowers/Generators: You’ll find the model number on the frame. If you’re still having a hard time finding your model number or navigating our site, our Customer Service representatives would be happy to help you, just give us a call!
Here's the numbers 1st one is 058 2ND one is 043 I did many searches and all I could come up with was recalls and parts sellers, can be do right disgusting sometimes. GB in MN We could almost turn this into a poll question to determine the most popular guess. I have two guesses for each. 1st: 5-16-2002 or 2005 16th week 2nd: 6-14-2001 or 2006 14th week If the engines are original might try running the numbers on them as well though the manufactures and see how they compare. Essentials Of Strategic Management Gamble Pdf.
Where to Find the Model and Serial Number on a Husqvarna. Finding the Model and Serial Numbers on a Husqvarna. Use our Briggs & Stratton parts lookup for all.