Microsoft Reporting Winforms Missing Assembly Reference

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Microsoft Reporting Winforms Reportviewer

Why can't I see Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms version 10.0.0. Using Start->Run->Assembly I can find the Microsoft. Reporting-services reference assemblies. Not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly. You didn't properly add reference to the Microsoft.Reporting.Winforms.

I have a VS2008 Reporting Services project (database: SQL Server 2008 RC2). This project has been updated from VS2005/SQL2005.

I need to update the Report Viewer control to version But when I install the Redistributable (), it isn't added to the.NET-tab in the 'Add reference.' I can see the Microsoft.ReportViewer and Microsoft.ReportViewer in the dialog, but no I tried running uninstalls for everything ReportViewer related, and reinstalling the ReportViewer control.

But I still see both version 8 and 9 in the dialog, but no version 10! Checking the GAC through Start->Run->Assembly I can see all three versions. Winnonlin Trial Download.

I cannot remove 8 and 9 because they apparently are used by other programs. This is driving me somewhat nuts. What do I have to do to make this assembly available in the 'Add Reference.' Dialog in Visual Studio 2008?? Regards Alex.