Nicolay Bessonov
Author of this site is a painter and a writer Nicolay Bessonov. You will find here an information about a witchcraft and you'll see a reflection of this topic in european art. During few centuries artists represented mysterious sabbaths and executions of poor «witches». Most interesting of this art-works are in headings of the site. But I'm the author of paintings about a witchcraft too. You'll see in the «» flights to a sabbath and a sorcery. Here is terrible world of inquisition: barefoot girls in chains, cruel hangmans, gloomy torture-chambers, prisons, dungeons, irons, stocks, collars and of course burning at stake.
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I know all that I painted well enough. In 2002 was published my documentary book « ». Every fact in this edition based on an analysis of inquisition treatises and works of famous historians. I made new illustrations for my book and all this drawings exposed in the «Gallery of Bessonov». Open for yourself a visual image of witchcraft.

Painter Nicolay Bessonov. Galleries of pictures about a sorcery and witch trials. Gallery of Nicolay Bessonov I worked at series about witchcraft for more then 15 years.
As every history-painter, I collected an infotmation about the epoch. It is not a secret that my predecessors of XIX century made many mistakes in details. So a world of my pictures contained a visual information, found in museums or in ancient engravings.
I tried to restore a dress, interiors, coiffures and tortutre instruments as it was. My art-work went with work of a writer. The documentary monograph «» is a peculiar commentary to the painting. Now the series about an inquisition is finished. I work up another topics: a history of gypsies and afro-americans. But I can to return to my first cycle if I'll have an order. Some time ago I made myself familiar with a computer painting.
You can see here two works of this genre: «Moonly night» and «Arrest». There are my another computer pictures at the site. I recommend the site for all, who will take an interest to my creation: books, illustrations, designs, theatrical costumes and caricatures. Mhotspot Software For Windows 7 64 Bit there. If you want to write me your opinion and suggestions, my web-address is:.